Spicy Bang Bang Shrimp Tacos with Creamy Slaw


10 Tips to keep in mind when cooking Bang Bang Shrimp Tacos

  1. Use Fresh Shrimp: Opt for fresh, large shrimp for the best flavor and texture. If using frozen, ensure they are fully thawed and patted dry.
  2. Marinate Thoroughly: Let the shrimp marinate in buttermilk for at least 15 minutes to tenderize and enhance flavor.
  3. Even Coating: Make sure the shrimp are evenly coated with the cornstarch-panko mixture for a consistent crunch.
  4. Oil Temperature: Maintain the oil at a steady medium-high heat to ensure the shrimp cook evenly and become crispy without burning.
  5. Small Batches: Fry the shrimp in small batches to avoid overcrowding the pan, which can lower the oil temperature and result in soggy shrimp.
  6. Drain Properly: Place fried shrimp on paper towels to absorb excess oil and keep them crispy.
  7. Balance the Sauce: Adjust the amount of sriracha in the Bang Bang sauce to match your preferred level of spiciness.
  8. Fresh Slaw: Prepare the slaw just before serving to keep it crisp and vibrant.
  9. Warm Tortillas: Warm the tortillas in a dry skillet for the best texture and flavor.
  10. Assemble Quickly: Assemble the tacos just before serving to maintain the crispiness of the shrimp and the freshness of the slaw.

Serving suggestions

Bang Bang Shrimp Tacos can be served as a complete meal, but here are some ideas to complement them:

  1. Side Salad: A light side salad with mixed greens, avocado, and a tangy vinaigrette.
  2. Mexican Rice: Serve with a side of Mexican or cilantro-lime rice for a hearty accompaniment.
  3. Guacamole and Chips: Fresh guacamole and tortilla chips make for a perfect starter or side.
  4. Grilled Corn: Corn on the cob, grilled and brushed with lime juice and chili powder, pairs well with the tacos.
  5. Black Beans: A side of seasoned black beans adds protein and fiber to the meal.
  6. Fruit Salsa: A fresh mango or pineapple salsa can add a sweet and tangy element to the dish.


Q: Can I make Bang Bang Shrimp Tacos ahead of time?
A: While it's best to fry the shrimp just before serving to maintain their crispiness, you can prepare the Bang Bang sauce and slaw ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator.

Q: Can I bake the shrimp instead of frying?
A: Yes, you can bake the shrimp in a preheated oven at 425°F (220°C) for about 10-12 minutes or until crispy, flipping halfway through.

Q: Can I use a different type of protein?
A: Absolutely! You can substitute the shrimp with chicken, tofu, or even fish for a different take on the tacos.

Q: How do I make Bang Bang Shrimp Tacos gluten-free?
A: Use gluten-free panko breadcrumbs and corn tortillas to make the dish gluten-free.

Q: Can I make the Bang Bang sauce less spicy?
A: Yes, you can reduce the amount of sriracha in the sauce or replace it with a milder hot sauce.

Q: How do I store leftovers?
A: Store the components separately in airtight containers in the refrigerator. Reheat the shrimp in the oven to retain their crispiness.

Q: Can I add other vegetables to the slaw?
A: Yes, feel free to add other vegetables like red bell pepper, radishes, or jicama for added crunch and flavor.

Q: What is the best oil for frying the shrimp?
A: Use a neutral oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable, canola, or peanut oil, for frying the shrimp.

Q: Can I make the tacos dairy-free?
A: Substitute the buttermilk with a dairy-free milk alternative mixed with a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice.

Q: How can I make the dish more kid-friendly?
A: Reduce or omit the sriracha in the Bang Bang sauce to make it less spicy for children.

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